Cybersecurity Club
Since Fall 2021
High level hacking club where we learn different skills about the cybersecurity field. Learn about penetration testing, firewalls and networking, computer exploits and much more. Club is full of passionate individuals who want to learn and make a difference in this technological planet.
Cyber Patriot Mentor
Since Fall 2022
Affiliated with the Air Force Association where we plan basic lessons for K-12 Students at local schools to teach them the fundamentals of Cybersecurity. We design, review, and discuss to ensure quality work. Also have one-on-ones with the students for specific needs and learning paths.
Other Cyber Activites
Involved in other Cyber-related activities to enhance my education and have fun. Participated in CyberForce, Hack the Building, CyberFusion, SummitCTF, and PatriotCTF. Finished 50+ Hours of Cybersecurity Training from TCM Security, and watch other online resources to reinforce my understanding of security, technology, current events and more.
Drone Club
Fall 2022
Learned about the Part 107 Professional Drone License, how to fly, and the rules behind flying. Traveled to perform cell tower maintenance monitoring with a drone.
Boy Scouts of America
Earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Completed numerous small, medium, and long-range goals to include, teaching a scout how to tie a knot, serving in a leadership role for 3 terms, and earning 28 merit badges. Eagle Scout Project involved leading a team over multiple days to clear an acre of brush and dead trees; reform a 215 yard trail in the woods; and repair, clean, and waterproof 2 foot bridges.
Served as Patrol Leader, leading 10 – 12 scouts, and worked with other leaders in the troop to help everything run fluently. Planned meals and responsibilities for campouts and events. Signed off on rank requirements when completed and addressed interpersonal problems within the patrol.
Served as Chaplain’s Aid during an 11 day backpacking trek with a crew of 8 that covered over 70 miles in the backcountry of New Mexico. Involved encouraging crew members to strengthen their own relationship with God and attending worship services at Base Camp. Also led daily reflection discussions and ensured the use of the “Philmont Grace” for all meals.
Boy Scouts of America
Very active in my troop and developed leadership skills through different ways.
Very involved with the trumpet. Played for 9 years at a high level in the top bands. Played in concert bands, orchestra, marching band, jazz band and more. Also was a part of high level ensembles outside of school like Virginia Winds Academy and Young Patriots Ensemble.
Had professional private tutoring for 6 years. Practiced multiple hours a day for years. Considered majoring in music education before deciding to pursue Computer Science and now Information Technology.
Played drums for 2 years, the baritone, and even the bass trumpet. Yes, the bass trumpet is a thing. I even made a video about it.
The bass trumpet is actually a real instrument. My private teacher was kind enough to let me learn it for over a month.
Awards and Recognition:
– Ensemble selected for semi-finals for National Trumpet Competition 2021
– Selected to perform in All District Band (Concert Band 2021, Symphonic Band 2019 and 2018, Concert Band 2017).
– Member of Symphonic Band selected to perform in Music for All National Concert Band Festival (2018).
– Awarded Superior Performance in Solo & Ensemble Festival (2017, 2018).
– Recognized for Outstanding Solo Award in Middle School VBODA Band Assessment (2017).
National Concert Band Festival performance. 1st High School band to ever play this song.
Audition based, high level, All District Band concert. Spent only 3 days preparing for full concert without knowing the music prior.
High level trumpet ensemble auditioning for National Trumpet Competition.
Student Government Delegate
Student Government Delegate
Met with students to hear their concerns and ideas. Attended a weekly House of Delegates meeting where legislation was discussed and voted upon. Helped shape impactful legislation and advocate for it to my peers and the Administration. Participated and volunteered in SGA events and activities.
Table Tennis
Part of a highly motivated team of students wanting to get better at the sport and promote competition between different schools.
Ultimate Frisbee
Part of the Liberty Ultimate Frisbee team for a semester. Went to multiple practices a week and worked with the team to get better. Did scrimmages and learned about the sport.
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